Updated Christmas, 2016
Just a quick, easy recipe but we love it. And since it is so simple, we can make a habit of it.
I used to make this all the time but it’s been a long time and I couldn’t remember my recipe so, here’s how I did it the two recent times I’ve tried it, after Googling several other recipes.
Mix all this together…
2 cups Bisquick
1/3 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup demarrara sugar (I’m sure you could substitute white sugar)
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
1/4 cupĀoil (I may trymelted butter)
1/2 tsp vanillaWhen I made it with cherries, I added cinnamon and topped with almond slivers
I poured the batter into a 2qt casserole that I’d melted butter in to coat it.
Then I poured in a can of pie fruit – blueberries one time and cherries the other.
Bake 30mins @ 375
After that, I sprinkled more demarrara sugar on top and put it back in for a few more minutes.