- Pastor Mark brought a DeLonghi he found at a thrift store and I’ve spent the morning cleaning and testing it for him. 10:24:53
- I have so little to do and so much time! Wait, strike that, reverse it, carry on. 16:05:50
- Beginning the process of upgrading our PS3 HDD to a 250GB SSD that Pastor Mark bought for us. I’ll do the main work on it tomorrow. 17:14:22
- Yes, it happened in ABQ… KRQE – Burned by the Media – Million Dollar coffee lawsuit http://t.co/T0IEaqwHGC 17:55:10
- RT @WhatsTheHarm: What’s the harm in herbal remedies? Study finds 60% contain ingredients not matching their label. http://t.co/JHcsTnHaZy … 20:54:25
- RT @LosGriego: It seems that many are more concerned about the end of Christendom in this country than concerned about their neighbor. #Got… 20:58:43