She got home from work around 11 last night and had to work a 6a to 6p twelve hour shift today. So we got up at 430 after getting to sleep around 1145. I’ll confess I took a nap. Two, actually. Added up to about an hour and a half. My sleep debt is currently around 11 hours.
But, I started the Halloween internet radio stations today and that’s been fun.
Also, I set up Wesley’s email on his phone and added myself, Terra, and Matt Weeks to his contacts and showed him how to take a pic and email it. He took to it right away and filled all our inboxes :P No, he can’t spell more than his name but he is very excited he can send and receive pics now.
Neither of us made it to church today because of her schedule. I hope we get all this figured out soon because we’re missing out on a lot the last couple, few weeks.
When she got home, we got Panda Express and it was awesome. We glutted ourselves.
Then, we sent Wesley to bed early and fired up the PS3 Netflix streaming app. We watched Paranormal Activity 2 and that was fun and a good start to Halloween month. Then, we watched the first episode of the second season of The Walking Dead, which we’ve been waiting on for a long time and just debuted on Netflix today. It has been quite a while since we watched the first season and, in the mean time, have read all 102 issues of the comic. I think we qualify as fans :P
Obviously, the inconvenience for us is that we don’t have tv – no cable or anything – so, we have to wait until it hits Netflix, which is always a long time. Season three is already airing on AMC. So, we don’t get to have those water cooler moments and such – we’re always way behind.
Not that we mind. Sure, we love it but it’s not like we sit around and think “there’s a new episode debuting tonight and everyone is seeing it but us!”
Tomorrow, she is off (but on call) so I am going to let her sleep a long time. And I hope we have a great day off together and she doesn’t get called in.