Recent tweets as of Oct 4, 2014

  • Dropped my favorite Bodum shot glass I've been pulling espresso shots into for years in the sink and it shattered. #noooooo 05:04:52, 2014-09-29
  • A call from the vice principal because Wesley got in trouble at school??? That's a first. Ever. It's like I'm a real parent now. 15:27:35, 2014-09-29
  • 70 in the house, so 66 in our room, and that's too cold for a shower. So I've now turned on the heat for the first time this year. #sqwee 11:01:53, 2014-09-30
  • Today is Terra's Friday. And what a Friday! After today, she has two weeks off. Her first vacation in our seven years together. #AIBF 06:00:28, 2014-10-01
  • I added a video to a @YouTube playlist North Korea children playing the guitar. Creepy as hell. 07:52:16, 2014-10-01
  • It's not everyday someone just GIVES you a barely used pair of Magneplanar (MMG) speakers. That's Matt Weeks for ya' :) 12:37:23, 2014-10-01

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