- 10 months later, Terra got her sched change. 3 8s, 1 12 so we’ll have SIX evenings a week together as a family AND she’s off Fri, Sat, Sun! 09:29:00, 2014-04-09
- One last Thurs-Sat 6-6. Then some weird days and new schedule starts on the 21st. When we’ll be getting up at 345a 7 days a week. #nurselyfe 05:13:57, 2014-04-10
- RT @RELEVANT: When expressing affection is no longer the “norm” in a marriage, it’s something you must make a priority. http://t.co/1fy0bv4… 06:11:14, 2014-04-10
- RT @inijames: Are electronic cigarettes bad for you? The shocking truth.: The answer is probably yes. But if you change the … http://t.co… 06:53:21, 2014-04-10
- Wow. I’ve gotten a lot of stuff done already today. I’d better pace myself :P 13:38:19, 2014-04-10
- My fierce protests are clearly futile. Winter, my favorite season, is obviously over. I guess I’ll dust off the shorts and sandals. 16:42:12, 2014-04-10
- RT @WhatsTheHarm: Everything you need to know about World Homeopathy Awareness Week is right here: http://t.co/HDzOAa1rSs #whaw #QEDcon #N… 21:03:37, 2014-04-10
- RT @RELEVANT: Leaving work at the office is now mandatory in France. The country has banned checking work email after 6pm. http://t.co/MPHn… 21:05:11, 2014-04-10
- RT @TheFoodLab: The key to a good chicken stir fry starts with slicing the chicken right. Here’s how you do it. http://t.co/AlWSZygyfi 21:07:57, 2014-04-10
- The Giant gas station on 528… RT @RioRanchoNM: Credit Card Scam http://t.co/zjbooqIhVb 21:04:52, 2014-04-11
- RT @RELEVANT: When we get physically ill, we know we need help. The Church needs to have the same attitude about mental health. http://t.co… 21:11:58, 2014-04-11
- Last day of this schedule. No more 3 12s (that are actually 13s or more) in a row after today. #nurselyfe 04:02:54, 2014-04-12
- @opusmcfeely Damn skippy. But 12 nursing home hours has turned out to be a whole different world of unpleasantness than 12 hospital hours. in reply to opusmcfeely 05:03:33, 2014-04-12
- Cleaned the dust off my bicycle, inflated the tires, put a much better seat on it. Think I’ll take it for a spin. 08:03:57, 2014-04-12
- Couldn’t decide between listening to theology stuff or philosophy stuff while I do housework so I put on RC Sproul’s podcast and get both :) 10:22:41, 2014-04-12
- RT @AudioDramaWiki: New article: The History of Old Radio http://t.co/dx1e5UFlTo 21:22:21, 2014-04-12
- RT @evidentpb: How powerful this would be if the US could only learn this. RT @aubreynb “All the moral laws cannot change the heart of men.… 21:24:56, 2014-04-12