- RT @SarcasticRover: If you can SCIENCE, then why would you ever NOT SCIENCE? NEVER NOT SCIENCE! 13:11:17, 2014-07-07
- They're setting up back to school stuff at Walmart already. 13:40:10, 2014-07-08
- Have I mentioned lately how much I love my vape? :) http://t.co/ZvEXWkCTqd 14:36:35, 2014-07-08
- I'm just gonna leave this here… #amen http://t.co/nm2mZVKWqT 04:50:40, 2014-07-09
- RT @bobgoff: The first decision we make each day is who's in charge. Who we pick will determine a lot about where we'll end up. 12:23:33, 2014-07-09
- Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di @YouTube: http://t.co/0z3fZjb9Bg Absolutely No Words 2 13:46:18, 2014-07-09
- RT @sween: If I ever have twins, I'm totally naming them Dana and Zuul. 18:56:55, 2014-07-10