- All my hate for this new dishwasher has faded since I started using Finish Powerballs. They’re amazing. #sparklydishes #happyhousehusband 05:34:34, 2014-06-23
- Had Pastor Los from Redemption Church over for coffee and discussed how we could get involved despite working Sundays. #fingerscrossed 09:45:06, 2014-06-23
- TIL the spring in my switch means voltage drop so I should hunt down 12x9x1.5 magnets and mod the switch for purer power. (Right?) #vaping 12:17:04, 2014-06-23
- RT @FDATobacco: Do you have info or comments on the proposed #FDAdeeming rule? We extended the comment period to 8/8 http://t.co/7ObpGywWVb 19:13:38, 2014-06-23
- RT @thefilmtalk: L: THEY LIVE lives. http://t.co/fDSn7sMGQP #theylive #losangeles #cinema #films #johncarpenter 05:38:47, 2014-06-24
- I liked a @YouTube video from @wholelattelove http://t.co/jQTktYU03C Machine Comparison: Gaggia Classic vs. Rancilio Silvia 14:31:56, 2014-06-24
- I kinda wish I’d tweeted the bad news we got over a week ago so I could tweet the great news we got today that reverses it. o.O #huh? 19:42:46, 2014-06-24
- RT @ecigaretteforum: A little empathy needed: imagine regaining olfactory capacity lost by smoking, and then consider importance of flavors… 05:05:29, 2014-06-25
- Prematurely excited about Terra’s parents staying with us for their 1st AIBF. And they’ll be here for the start of our Halloween month fun! 06:04:54, 2014-06-25
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/oltL0OBKjO New York Cine Radio Presents: John Bloom on the Origins of Joe Bob Briggs 10:55:06, 2014-06-25
- RT @thinkgeek: Today in Geek History: Blade Runner released in 1982. Would you pass the Voight-Kampff test? http://t.co/W18OjNikyy 12:14:06, 2014-06-25
- Today, I’m watching the full three and a half hour director’s cut of Das Boot. A film I love but never get to see. (Netflix HD, 5.1) #dayoff 12:52:27, 2014-06-26
- Good day out, three vape stores, got some Pris from VaporSpace, came home to 84 degree house, AC unit not running. Gonna be a long night. 17:35:38, 2014-06-27
- Nice. The AC guy showed up, did a couple things, will be back in 40 mins with the part and we’ll have cold air again! :) 19:16:50, 2014-06-27