Thursday, Sept 6

Home fellowship was canceled tonight, so we spent some quality time with the PS3 YouTube app – watched a bunch of coffee videos and the 14 episodes released so far of H+.

I made iced Americanos at breakfast – they were good enough and the shots are going well.

This grinder doesn’t have enough steps so we’re grinding the same way every time.

Terra made me a straight shot this afternoon – the maiden voyage of that cool demi someone gave me on a job with Noel…


I rearranged the breakfast nook. We have big plans for it but so far, we hate it.

We got some green plates from the dollar store that work rather nicely and I changed up the centerpiece…



We absolutely love our dining room set.

Terra went to the DOL WorkForce place to apply for some jobs. Once we come up with money for Wesley to go to the SAFE program, I will begin a search as well.

We lost the key to the Lexx.

We got a puzzle from the thrift store – one of those mystery story puzzles and, this Friday night, we plan to work on it in the breakfast nook and listen to my old tapes of Ruby 3 – she’s never heard it before.

We picked up a couple Halloween decorations – can’t wait for Halloween month to start.  We’re debating whether to try to decorate the while house or just focus on certain areas.

Wishing the weather would turn cooler so we’re in the mood for cappuccinos – we need to start practicing our milk frothing.

Didn’t have quiet time tonight because we were YouTube’ing.

Wesley did his three days of being grounded (first time we’ve ever tried that with him) so he gets to return to normal life tomorrow.  Grounding consisted of confinement to his room with no music or movies, no watching hot air balloons in the morning, no quiet time with us.  He hated it so mission accomplished :P  But he did it with no tantrums our anything.  We explained the what and why daily to try to ensure he understood.

We think Saturday for our spns (slumber party night substitute) we’re gonna agree on a Pinterest recipe we’ll make together and then sit on the couch and continue the romance novel I started reading to her on the last spns night we had two weeks ago.

We need to start having people over now that we have places for people to sit and a working coffee bar.

My sleep debt is currently at 7 hours, 24 minutes – pretty typical for me. Been thinking of changing my sleep requirement to 7 hours instead of 8. I’m always tired but not THAT tired.

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