- A Compendium To The Copyright Alert System http://t.co/2MIIe4n3GP #bittorrent 09:30:22
- A young gal in Walmart just told me she liked my hair. That hasn't happened in years. Prob since I cut it. Longish now. (Very grayish, too.) 14:36:31
- Shall we call it The Great Bueno Green Chile Recall of 2014? Whatever we call it, it's ruining in my meal planning. #newmexico 15:06:41
- Second Shift 2.04 with our (very late) dinner tonight. My favorite #audiotheater ever – this is our second time through. 18:40:31
- Played Splinter Cell Chaos Theory HD for about an hour. I LOVE the SC series and can't remember the last time I just sat and gamed alone. 21:25:41
- RT @opusmcfeely: Well, I guess I wasted a ton of scratch on winter clothes #81inFebruary #AzLifestyle 21:30:42