New schedule, new friends, new vape shop

We had an incredible time having Jason and Andy and Faith over on Sunday afternoon. Faith and Wesley played in his room – it’s only the second time he has had a guest of his own – while I made coffees and we talked and laughed.

On Tuesday, Wesley had his first day of first grade. He seems to be enjoying it. And Terra and I enjoyed a day of just us – we even did a little running around and had fun.
Today, Thursday, is my first day home alone. Terra at work, Wesley at school, every Thursday and Friday from now on. Wow. I’m not looking forward to it.
Wesley’s schedule is now drastically changed, too. He only has chores on Wednesdays (when school is only a half day) and Saturdays. He is devastated that the end of summer vacation means no more of all the movies and games he wants. But Wednesdays, he is allowed to play Wii games after school, Saturday is his free day to do whatever he wants all day (after his chores, of course) and LittleBigPlanet on PS3 when we go to bed, and we’re thinking maybe he can watch his movies on Fridays.
His and my schedules are obviously in flux right now and everything is gonna be in pencil for awhile.

On Tuesday, Terra and I visited Smooth Vapor (I think that’s the name) – yet another new Rio Rancho vape shop. Had a nice chat with Geo(?), who seems to be quite knowledgeable about flavor concepts and therefore claims to be good at making juices. I told him what I like lately and he mixed me up a custom liquid and gave it to me for free (a 15mL bottle!) and so we also bought a bottle of Bubble Gum for Terra. $7 for a 15mL – nice. We expect to be visiting him again.

Next to the new vape shop is Sal-e-boy’s Pizzeria – a place I thought was gone. So, last night, we went and got calzones for dinner and picked up a bottle of Merlot. They were HUGE and more than we could finish but we gave it our best and glutted ourselves until we were sick :P


Afterward, we continued our Wednesday night journey through all the episodes of Firefly with the original pilot (we had to do the “second pilot” – The Train Job – last week because of a time constraint) and loved it. I’m really looking forward to this. We hope to do two episodes a week.

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