- First day of school. On August 17th. I don't get that. 06:56:48, 2015-08-17
- On this day, three years ago, we moved into this, our little dream home. And that day ended five years of extreme unpleasantness. 16:09:38, 2015-08-17
- Didn't double OB 18 this week! Too bad I double bogeyed 16 and 17, grrr. And not a single birdie :( #abq #discgolf http://t.co/KNKMpXd1Sf 16:57:09, 2015-08-17
- RT @Clive_Bates: Time for the #ecig rent-a-quote pundits to cease and desist… or show us their evidence assessment. https://t.co/zxrwo0D… 11:31:29, 2015-08-19
- RT @thetimes: If 8 million smokers switched to e-cigarettes overnight over 75,000 lives would be saved http://t.co/UDQ0QMoosd http://t.co/L… 11:31:39, 2015-08-19
- RT @cnnbrk: July was the warmest month for the planet since record keeping began in 1880, and 2015 likely will be hottest year on record, N… 22:16:16, 2015-08-20
- RT @MikeOkuda: Star Trek: The Next Generation, remastered in glorious HD, is streaming on Netflix!
http://t.co/NepeMcyRam 17:53:40, 2015-08-21 - RT @OnePerfectShot: PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE (2002) Director of Photography: Robert Elswit | Director: Paul Thomas Anderson http://t.co/E4x8KRKdGE 21:33:21, 2015-08-21