Terra out of town

So she left for the church retreat yesterday. Some place up in the mountains with no cell phone coverage. She’ll be back tomorrow. This is the first time we’ve been apart since we got married.

Last night, Wesley and I watched Resident Evil – first time for both of us. Meh. But it was a perfectly acceptable Halloween movie choice.

Thursday night, we all watched Scream. And we let Wesley watch it with us. I’d never seen it and it is exactly the sort of movie I don’t think he should be watching. There’s a big difference between a monster hurting people and a human with a mask hurting people. But, he did show some interest in being Ghostface for Halloween. That would be cheaper than a Ghostbuster.

Terra and I had another Halloween month lazy Wednesday morning. We watched a few Halloween episodes of TV shows (incl. Freaks & Geeks, Tales from the Darkside, and The Muppet Show) and that was fun.

Today, Wesley and I are gonna go out, run a couple errands, have a little fun, maybe lunch at Jason’s Deli.

And the weather has been absolutely perfect for days now. All the doors and windows open from morning until bedtime. The living room gets a bit too warm in the afternoon but I just close the blinds and turn on the ceiling fan and it’s fine. This is the weather I wish would last year round. Fall is just my favorite time of the year.

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