Another great weekend with Terra

This afternoon, our Halloween month viewing continued with the 25th anniversary performance of The Phantom of the Opera at Royal Albert Hall in HD on Netflix streaming and it was incredible. We enjoyed it immensely.
I’ve never seen a stage production of POTO and neither had she. Of course, I grew up on the music – I have listened to it hundreds of times – so this was a bigger deal to me than even when the movie came out.
The best highlight to me was the interpretation of The Phantom himself. The guy who played him really made him freakish and monstrous, yet sympathetic and pitiable. Of course, I have nothing to compare him to except the movie but I was very impressed just the same. Vocally, he’s no Michael Crawford but I can’t help but be biased.

Anyway, I should digress and move on…

Afterward, we watched The Others. I have long loved that film but this time it was just not as effective. I still love the atmosphere and performances – and can forgive it not scaring me anymore (this is probably my tenth viewing over the years) but I think it just isn’t a film that can stand the test of time.

This morning was the usual long-standing Saturday tradition of Wesley getting up early and playing video games while we get our one day we can sleep in. Well, actually that’s new since she quit her Saturday side job a couple weeks ago and now we get to sleep :) But this was a payday Saturday morning so we splurged for McDonald’s breakfast. It was a nice treat and it’s my favorite kind of food – I didn’t have to make it :)

Yesterday, Friday, we did a lot of just sitting around, enjoying her day off. Then Nina came over and we hung out a bit, had coffee, got Papa Murphy’s pizza, then watched Repo! The Genetic Opera. Nina had never seen it before and it’s one of Terra’s favorites. I don’t love it but I do love showing it to someone for their first time :P
After Nina left, Terra and I watched Silent House (on Vudu HDX, btw) and were very impressed with it. The ending was disappointing but the rest of it was really good. One jump scare got me so good, I literally cried out, shut my eyes and it took a full second or more before I could persuade them to open again.

I don’t do horror movies. The filmmaking standards for that genre are just way too low – 99% of them are purely pop media meant to be consumed and then forgotten – so I don’t waste my time. Except at Halloween. And this year, I have been on a quest for the best “jump scare” movies. I just want that visceral experience. I want to know if it really works on me or something. And, so far, yes it definitely does :P
Insidious and now Silent House have been standouts.

So far, after three annual Halloween horror movie months, the scariest movies I’ve seen are still The Descent, Insidious, and The Fourth Kind. And I think they are all quality movies and therefore will probably stand up to multiple viewings after the ability to surprise you into jumping has worn off.

Thursday and Wednesday were pretty non-descript. Housework while Terra was at work.

Though, we did both get punched cartos and so she is trying a tank for the first time and I got mine in 2.5 ohms so I am using my 6v again. So far, we are both having issues with the liquid not flowing into the carto fast enough and therefore getting dry, burnt hits and have to top it off. Maybe it’s just a problem with the vendor? I’ll do them a favor and not name them but it’s not who I usually get punched cartos from.
I’ll continue to experiment and see if they get better.

Oh, and we picked up The Walking Dead #103 but neither of us have read it yet.

And I guess that’s it.
Oh, except for this pic I found of me at 18 with my first car :P

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