Best Halloween month ever so far, and a pause for Balloon Fiesta

Already eleven Halloween movies watched, including four hosted by Joe Bob Briggs on MonsterVision (ya’ know that late night show on TNT in the 90s) and all four Phantasm movies, the latter three of which neither of us had ever seen. There has been non-stop Halloween Internet radio – a couple stations play songs, a couple play haunted house sounds and similar soundscapes and one even plays both. Many episodes of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes have played. And I took Walmart up in their Monster Cereals deal and the discontinued two – Frute Brute (attn Quentin Tarantino) and Yummy Mummy – are available this year…
Wesley gets to eat this for breakfast on non-school days. Speaking of which, he is off today and tomorrow and then another Thurs and Fri two weeks from now. So I’m making these Halloween days where he owns the living room all day and watches Halloween movies and such and even a couple Halloween games (like Ghostbusters and Silent Hill) and maybe some sugary snacks.
Oh, and Art Bell is back and we’ve been listening to a horror story on Pseudopod every night when she gets off work, so between all that and the great Internet radio stations out there, we have plenty to listen to.

We love Halloween and start all this at the beginning of October and make a whole month of it but there is always the one pause during the first week and that’s Balloon Fiesta. We went on the 6th, it was awesome. I shot a couple hundred HD videos, Terra shot almost three hundred photos on my Sony DSLR. That is all still being edited into one presentation and, needless to say, it’s a huge job. I finally have a first rough cut and it’s 29 minutes – I want it under 20.
When it’s done, I’ll post it. Until then, I leave you with the videographer and photographer…

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