Friday, Sept 21, 2012

Well, two days of getting up at 430 sucked but it’s over now.  Though, in a surprising turn of events, she starts her new schedule TOMORROW!  She works 2p-10p the next three days then two days off then starts the usual four on, two off.
Here we go.

I have been curious about different voices for my phone.  See, I have all incoming texts read aloud to me as they hit my phone.  (I have a few Twitter accounts and most of my Facebook friends set to deliver status updates via sms – this is 90% of the many texts I get each day.)  I downloaded a ghostly voice just in time for Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween, it’s getting even closer now and I keep mentioning that I got all 44 episodes of Freddy’s Nightmares but I think I’ve yet to mention that I also got 16 (almost all) of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes as well.  This is going to be a great Halloween month.
Need to get the decorations out of storage, though.

We all watched The Incredibles on bluray tonight.  Oh, how I love that one.  I love most of the Pixar films but this one is just so unique.  Their most mature offering by far.  No cutesy characters, slapstick bumbling, or any of that sort of thing.  I love the argument between husband and wife, for instance, and the deeper themes and darker moments.  As well as the obvious very non-Disney stuff like how many people die, a torture scene, lots of violence, a man gripping the throat of a woman – even the very presence of guns.  And it’s hard not to see what happens in the final moments as an assassination.  A threat is made ensuring an ongoing danger and that threat is responded to with an execution to ensure against any further danger.
This one goes with Wall-E and Ratatouille but is above even them in that it’s made for adults with recognition that kids will watch but it doesn’t cater to kids.  If they like it, great.  But if not, that’s ok – it’s not made for them.

I had the count way off in yesterday’s recap – it is only 15 days to balloon fiesta!  Terra’s new schedule will prohibit our attendance of the first weekend but the second should be no problem.  Better still, we’ll have money by then.  We’re between paychecks since she’s transitioning jobs and things aren’t good right now.  But, all that – what is now a year of struggling – will be over soon! :)

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