New church?

In our seemingly endless search for a midweek service, we tried Life Church Rio Rancho, which is very close to our house. We knew basically nothing walking in. There were a total of five people in the congregation, counting our family of three. So, yeah, small church. But the teacher was good and it was straight expositional teaching from Galatians.
We are 99% sure we will return weekly so this is a very good thing :)

When we got home, Wesley went to bed early and Terra and I listened to parts one through three of five of the BBC’s recent Mrs. Tolstoy – a very quiet, sad little drama about the struggles in his marriage and family when Leo Tolstoy became a Christian – and a very misguided one at that.
I listened to it last week while I was working and was riveted and moved so I wanted her to hear it.

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