Single sentences about the last few days

Most of this week did not go according to plan.

The season one finale of We’re Alive is amazing.

Juicy Vapor’s Ecto Plasma is amazing.

Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe the day I had with Jennifer Joyce over.

Terra and I smoked a kretek (Indonesian clove cigarette) with Jennifer – our first since December.

The latest gazpacho turned out to be really really good and I should therefore post the recipe.

I hope Mark Mason continues to drop by Friday mornings for coffee.

As of today, we’ve been in our dream house one year.

Netflix on Wii finally got profile support so my Netflix profile is exclusively mine for the first time in five years.

I haven’t stopped humming Will the Circle Be Unbroken since I finished Bioshock Infinite.

I think Aaron Force sees me in a whole new way now.

Kathy Force had to cancel coming over for dinner Monday night.

Looking forward to Jason and Andrea Garcia for coffee tomorrow.

I’m very excited for Terra that she’s going out for lunch with Bonnie Stuber on Tuesday.

I downloaded 44 choice episodes of In Search Of… for SPN bedtime viewing.

Nina couldn’t make it for our Gauntlet day and I felt bad for Wesley so he and I played alone.

I removed the cardboard from our west-facing living room window for the first time since shortly after we moved in to see if we like it better…


Last Sunday, Terra and I barely beat Del Rol Le (Caves boss) in PSO with like 1 HP each remaining and so tomorrow night we will see if we can survive Mines.

School starts on Tuesday and I am daily increasingly bummed that I’m losing my little sidekick.

We weren’t able to listen to Second Shift this week but, since we only have four episodes to go until the end, that’s OK.

Tomorrow we start our new Sunday morning schedule that will hopefully ensure that we’ll have a nice family breakfast AND make it to church on time when, so far, we always only manage one or the other.

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