Vamo 18650 frustrations

As I feared, a 3.7V batt run at 6V doesn’t last long. Like 5-6 hours. So, I need a second 18650. Or a couple 18350s – that would be better. I run two RCR123As in my Prodigy – between 3-3.2V each – and they last me most of a day.
Tomorrow, I’m gonna go hit the battery shop and see what I come up with. I’ve had to use my Prodigy half of today and that’s unacceptable.

Anyway, in other news, Wesley has pink eye. Welcome to being a parent, I suppose.

And, I made mexi-fish tonight but didn’t use the pico de gallo I usually get from Walmart. I made something myself with tomatoes, onion, cukes, bell pepper, cilantro, and lime juice. It was pretty great, we all thought.


Btw, as you can tell from the picture, daylight saving time is a beeyotch. It’s ruining the ambience of our 6pm candlelit dinners. Sigh. Time to think up a new dinner table centerpiece.

After dinner, it was homework time for Wesley and Terra while I cleaned the kitchen, then played Final Fantasy VI Advance. On a GBA emulator on my Android phone. It’s my first time playing it and I think it’s pretty great. I’m not much for pre-9 FF – haven’t enjoyed (and therefore quit playing after only a few hours) 3, 5, 7, or 8. But I’m loving 6 so far.
Btw, I am a slobbering fan of 9, 12, and Tactics. 10 was meh and I quit after 20 hours or so, 13 was very meh so I made it about as far.
Anyway, Wesley also played what we’re deeming “thinking games” on the PS3 as part of his homework time again – the experiment continues.

The night ended with all of us listening to a Jungle Jam episode followed by The Leviathan Chronicles 1.10. We were loving Leviathan Chronicles until 1.08 when all this stuff that happened hundreds of years ago started. 10 wasn’t so bad, though, and we’re glad to be back in modern day to the story we signed up for.

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