Walking Dead premier at Jason & Andy’s

So, yeah, that happened.
I’ve never gone to someone’s house to watch a TV show before. They bought pizza. Wesley and Faith played in her room. Andy says they’ll give us a goat and the two kids will marry. … That’s a Bible joke.
A good time was had by all. I started losing interest in The Walking Dead last season (season 3). Artificially dragging out storylines just to make a full season’s worth of episodes. It’s too early to know what to think after just the first episode. Like judging a novel by the first ten pages.

Anyway, Andy is gonna do Terra’s hair next Sunday day at their house. I am gonna watch football with Jason. Heh, yeah. Football. Me. Well, we’ll see.

Tomorrow, Kathy Force and her teenaged son Daniel are coming for coffee. Feels like forever since we had guests so this is good. And Kathy is a favorite guest :)

Missed church last Sunday for Balloon Fiesta but we went today and, wow, is it different. See, they started a satellite church – Calvary Chapel of the Meadows. And a lot of people went over there to help start it up. Including Tom and Bonnie Stueber. Bummer. And a few other people I really like and have known for years. Sigh. So, yeah, today was about 3/4 the usual crowd.

No Halloween slumber party tonight but we’re gonna have a makeup tomorrow night or Tuesday. Got a dvd of Elvira hosting House on Haunted Hill. Plus we still have a couple MonsterVision movies, so we’re well stocked for Halloween slumber party nights.

Btw, Wesley has changed his mind. He doesn’t want to be Jason anymore. Now, he wants to be a Ghostbuster. Sheesh. Jason was an easy, inexpensive costume. How the heck can we make him a Ghostbuster???

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