Reunion with Gabe Aragon

Haven’t seen him since about September of 2007, when he was my boss of three years or so. And now he’s an Albuquerque cop.
He came over but he’s not a coffee drinker. I’ve heard of such people and I pray for them but I don’t know if I’ve ever met one. Anyway, we had a great time.

Terra and I are in chapter 15 of We’re Alive and it’s not great but it fits our schedule perfectly so, meh.
Since we have managed to somehow not have time for Second Shift four Wednesdays in a row now, we gave made a solemn vow to listen to the last four episodes, one a day, this week, starting tomorrow. Then, we’ll put audio theater time on hiatus (except for We’re Alive, of course). Very sad but we just aren’t finding the time lately.

Big week ahead… Jason and Andy coming for breakfast on Monday, Andy doing Terra’s hair on Tuesday, meeting at the school on Wednesday. And, of course, I always do the invites for the week at church – this is all stuff that was arranged last week!

Oh, and Monday begins our new schedule tweak of getting up at 6 on days off rather than 645.
And a slight change of our bicycle plans. Now we’ll do our morning ride together, when we drop Wesley at the bus stop and our after dinner rides will be separate so she can ride leisurely and I can ride hard. I wanna push myself and get as much progress, physically, as possible before it starts turning cold.

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